Featured Products

LickiMat® Slomo™ Cat

LickiMat® Slomo™ provides cats with the perfect enrichment feeding bowl for mixing wet and dry fo...

LickiMat® Slomo™ provides cats with the perfect enrichment feeding bowl for mixing wet and dry food (and treats too) without any mess. The Slomo is also a great slow feeder for cats that eat too fast. NATURAL FEEDING – the LickiMat Slomo promotes natural feeding by your cat and mimics how they would feed in the wild.  There is no raised edge so there is no whisker stress and your cat can still enjoy full view of surrounding, reducing stress whilst feeding.  SLOWER FEEDING & HEALTHIER FEED...


LickiMat® UFO™

The LickiMat® UFO™ has landed... We are excited to introduce the LickiMat® UFO™ – the latest add...

The LickiMat® UFO™ has landed... We are excited to introduce the LickiMat® UFO™ – the latest addition to the LickiMat family of enrichment, anti-anxiety, slow feeders. This innovative slow-feeding mat combines the best of the LickiMat® Soother and LickiMat® Splash to create an innovative feeder for sticking to flat surfaces such as windows, showers and hard floors. The UFO™ features raised walls to keep food and saliva inside the bowl for mess-free slow-feeding and entertainment – and perfec...

$29.99 (5 variants)

SloDog Slow feeder

Your dog can see all the food in one place and not have to chase it around a maze.  Avoids frust...

Your dog can see all the food in one place and not have to chase it around a maze.  Avoids frustrating your dog. Takes up to two cups of dry or wet food. Easy to use: Simply pour the food and shake it around.  It will disperse evenly very quickly. Unique product.  Patent Pending. Dishwasher safe.  Easy to clean.  Elegant. Your cat can use it too!

$23.99 (5 variants)